Become a Partner Associate

Proposal for overseas education service providers to work mutually for institutions represented by TJ Educational services.

Multiple Country Options

Let your dreams outgrow the shoes of your Expectations

We first analyze the profile of the student. Based on academic qualifications, career goals, financial status and work experience, our team helps to choose the right course, university and country as per the students profile. Then discuss the shortlisted universities with the counselor and depends on the academic profile we will check how much Scholarship the student will get.

Comprehensive Services

Let your dreams outgrow the shoes of your Expectations

Assistance at each step of the study abroad lifecycle - University search & selection, application processes, admissions and visa processing.

Professional Advice

Let your dreams outgrow the shoes of your Expectations

Increase your conversion rate through expert guidance from leaders with two decades of experience in overseas education industry.

Learning Resources

Let your dreams outgrow the shoes of your Expectations

Skype trainings, e-learning webinars, knowledge sharing meets, presentations and sample learning materials to help partner associates do good number of recruitments.